Where Is The Meat and Dairy?

This meal plan does not include any meat, dairy, or animal products in any form or fashion. There is only one important food group: plant based. In the documentary, Food Choices, available on Netflix, one of the experts featured stated that the best diet for humans is plant based. A plant-based diet includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes.

It is not my intent to sway or persuade anyone to stop eating meat and dairy. I can only speak my truth and use my life as an example to inspire you to take personal responsibility and make a change for yourself. Food and all the toxic things we ingest are wonderful learning tools and they provide very profound experiences for us to discover what supports our bodies or destroys them. What another person chooses to ingest and experience is none of our business!

Even if you believe (for right now) that you cannot completely remove meat and dairy from your diet, this meal plan will help you to incorporate more plant-based options. Sooner than later, you will be going days, weeks, and even months without eating meat. Humans can live and be healthy without killing animals for food. Therefore, if one chooses to eat meat, he or she participates in taking animal lives merely for the sake of their appetites.

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