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Detox Your Vibration
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Introduction to the Course (6:33)
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Suggested Course Materials
Introduction to the Course
My China Detox 2015 (7:37)
What is a Detox?
Detox Your Vibration (4:29)
Who Should Participate?
Analyze Your Lifestyle
10 Reasons To Detox
What Should You Expect?
Detox Your Vibration
Analyze Your Vibration
Vibrate On Purpose (0:54)
Relax!! Breathe.
Ways to Raise Your Vibration (12:00)
Maintaining Your Vibe After Failure and Losses
Failure Is Inevitable! (4:35)
Embrace Pain and Failure. (0:57)
Detox Your Mental
Make a Commitment to Yourself (6:44)
Develop a Meditation Practice (4:48)
Thoughts Become Things
Dream BIG. Visualize Your Ideal Life. (4:06)
Positive Affirmations (5:43)
Become Aware of Self-Talk (2:46)
Detox Your Bad Habits
What is a Bad Habit? (1:12)
What Needs to Go? (1:32)
Learn Something New
Focus on Your Good Habits (1:47)
Detox Your Body
What You Put Into Your Body Affects Your Vibe. (1:16)
Analyze Your Diet. (0:34)
Say NO to Something! (2:21)
Benefits of Fasting (5:14)
Best Foods to Detox (8:55)
Detox Water Recipes
Detox Your Circle
Make Friends Who Force You to Level Up (0:14)
Choose Your Friends Carefully (4:14)
Choose Your Lover(s) Carefully
Everybody Can't Come (3:29)
When the Energy is Off, the History Doesn't Matter (3:38)
When People Show You Who They Are, Believe Them! (0:57)
Analyze Your Conversations (3:08)
Know When To "Let It Go" (0:59)
Don't Ignore Obvious Character Flaws (3:59)
Detox Your Material Possessions
Some Stuff You Just Have to Let Go Of (2:01)
How Much "Stuff" Do You Own? (2:30)
Material Possessions Will Never Bring True Happiness (0:57)
Don't Be Afraid to Let It Go (6:22)
Detox Your Playlists
Who is Pouring Into You? (4:26)
What is on Your Playlist?
Listen to Something New (1:34)
Detox Your Television
What Comes on Tonight? (4:37)
What is on Your DVR?
Seek Educational Programming (4:56)
Television Programming (0:55)
How the News and Advertising Affects Your Vibration
News Broadcasts (0:43)
Watching the News Lowers My Vibration (4:38)
Pay Attention to Advertising (3:04)
Summary and Reflection
What Did You Learn? (0:56)
What New Habits Are In Your Life Now?
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Always Move Forward.
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Don't Ignore Obvious Character Flaws
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